Smart Fish Farms

offer you the latest fish farm monitoring devices
The system is a device that enables the user to monitor water quality using IOT sensors and measures water quality factors such as (the pH of the-concentration of dissolved oxygen-salinity-temperature-electrical conductivity)
Then the device connected to the internet sends the measurements to the system application on the smartphone to alert the user to follow up on the status of his farm water, and also enables the “Nile bot” the owner of the farm to set the property of sending measurements periodically, and in case of any emergency malfunction, an instant alert is sent to the user’s mobile phone, so he can deal with the problem when it occurs, until the owner of the farm arrives, ”for example, he gives an order to the air turbines to work in case of a lack of oxygen in the water, or gives an order to the heaters to work in case of a severe drop in temperatures“, works the device can be recharged automatically and easily through solar modules, thus avoiding power outages


You can monitor water quality parameters 24/7 by mobile


Send an SMS when a water quality problem occurs


Automatic defect control to maintain high quality water